Ham Radio ZELLO Raspberry Pi streaming to Broadcastify

Ham Radio Raspberry Pi streaming to Broadcastify with ZELLO

This is my starting point to ot the subject header and since have been working on.  Maybe it is completed and has not been updated

After using darkice PI3 SDR RR/bCastfy - successfully (2016)

THANKS for visting,

thank you.

This is a 4 part series. The parts are as follows:
  1. Raspberry Pi with scanner to local casting server.
  2. Raspberry Pi with scanner to BroadCastify Stream.
  3. Build a tool to keep the stream up in case it goes down.
  4. Raspberry Pi with rtl_sdr dongle to BroadCastify Stream.
So we are through Part 1. Everything seems to work “OK” and we want to get this out to the world now. I chose Broadcastify as my feed streamer since they make it easy. We talked about Broadcastify for ham radio repeaters a few weeks ago.
A few issues most likely arose from Part 1:
  1. It is connected to your router with an ethernet cable and you do not want it there permanently.
  2. We want to stream to broadcastify.

1) It is connected to your router with an ethernet cable and you do not want it there permanently.

Ham Radio Raspberry Pi streaming to Broadcastify with scanner (part 2)

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